Clotilde Courau, rare secrets about her daughters: “I would like to convey to them that nothing is insurmountable”

Since January, Clotilde Courau has flourished on the boards. She embodies one of the characters ofA delicate situation, a play by Alan Ayckbourn in which she plays opposite Gérard Darmon and Max Boublil. Becoming a princess by marrying Prince Emmanuel-Philibert of Savoy did not prevent the actress from keeping her independence and pursuing her acting career. A path that his daughters, Luisa and Vittoria de Savoie, have not yet taken: “They are still a little young. My vocation revealed itself between the ages of 17 and 18. But the situation is different, they are studying when I had stopped quite early, she explains in the pages of Point de Vue. Of course they came to see me play. They realize the complexity of this profession which is made of glamor but also of extreme rigor.“His daughters may not take over behind but Clotilde Courau is far from offended. It’s not the most important thing for her.

That her children be free while being turned towards others is the main thing that Clotilde Courau wants to pass on to them. Students abroad, the princess is delighted to see them open up to the world through the courses they follow, of course, but also and above all through the rest: “I tell them that the training is not limited to class hours. It also goes through other areas – which I myself use for my work in order to densify my characters – such as reading, exhibitions, painting, photography, contemporary art, sociology, documentaries or music. It feeds. I constantly remind my children of this and this remains valid regardless of the job they want to do.

What Clotilde Courau absolutely wants to give them is “the sense of effort” and “the sense of commitment“. An essential point: “Being committed is a form of resistance, the only way today to overcome the trials we are going through. Whether I’m on stage or collaborating with an association […], it gives me so much energy. I would like to convey to my daughters that everything is possible and that nothing is insurmountable.” A legacy far more precious than all the gold in the world.

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