Clotilde Courau: Rare photo with her daughters Vittoria and Luisa, sublime mermaids on vacation

For example, there is no question for her to reveal whether or not her husband, Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia was on vacation with them. Given his Instagram Story, which shows he spent the day by the sea, you might think they’re together…but don’t count on them talking about their story! Married since 2003, the couple do not live together during the year: Clotilde Courau, who works a lot in Paris, lives in the capital, while her husband has settled in Monaco, but moves around a lot in Italy or the United States. , where he works.

Which does not mean that they are separated, far from it: during rare confidences, the one who is very followed by the press people of his country had clearly answered the rumors of divorce: “A crisis ? The newspapers tell a lot of nonsense. There are no secrets between us, we talk to each other a lot, we understand each other. She, she often lives in Paris, I live in Monte-Carlo and I am often in Italy. But we have a great love and a strong dialogue“. A speech fully confirmed by the actress a little later.

The most important between them remains whatever happens the love of their two daughters, Vittoria and Luisa. If the youngest is still discreet, the eldest is more and more known. A model, she had also traveled to the Ukrainian border to help refugees. A beautiful action that had made his parents very proud.

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