Closure of hydrocarbon wells | Municipalities want to be better informed

(Quebec) Municipalities are asking to be better informed of the closure of hydrocarbon wells provided for in a Legault government bill.

Posted at 10:45 a.m.

Patrice Bergeron
The Canadian Press

The Quebec Federation of Municipalities (FQM) made this request on Tuesday on the first day of consultations on Bill 21.

This bill piloted by Minister Jonatan Julien plans to put an end to the adventure of hydrocarbons in Quebec by closing the wells and compensating up to 100 million companies that have invested.

The FQM regrets that its members are not even informed of what is happening on their territory.

“We can’t say we were satisfied,” replied FQM policy director Pierre Chateauvert, answering a question from Liberal MP Pierre Arcand.

The elected official of the opposition asked him if the municipalities had been well informed of the activities of the companies, concerning hydraulic fracturing, the use of chemical compounds, etc.

“We depend a lot on the will of the promoter, said Mr. Châteauvert. We must go further. »

“We must be informed at all stages of the closure of the wells,” said the vice-president of the FQM, Audrey Boisjoly.

It calls for precise schedules for well closure work, plans with timelines for site restoration, etc.

According to her, this follow-up is essential to ensure that there will be no subsequent contamination of municipal drinking water sources.

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