Closing the zoos: more madness!

After fireworks were banned in three municipalities in the Laurentians, some groups are now pushing the idea of ​​closing zoos.

Clearly, the pleasure will no longer be there in a few years!

In an interview with TVA Nouvelles a few weeks ago, ethics researcher at the University of Montreal Valéry Giroux said that zoos “violate several fundamental interests” of animals.

She added: “Zoos are violating their interest not to suffer, that is, that their physical and psychological well-being is not upset.”

Education and conservation

At the Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien, there is a very important section devoted to conversation and boreal biodiversity.

In addition, the work carried out by the persons in charge of this zoo in Lac-Saint-Jean allows the population to better understand the environment in which we live.

  • Listen to the meeting Yasmine Abdelfadel and Marc-André Leclerc broadcast via QUB-radio :

When you see the polar bears in their huge habitat, which was recently created for them, you don’t get the impression that they are unhappy. The same goes for caribou, musk oxen and wolves that can be seen in the Nature Trail Park.


If we follow the reasoning of those who push the idea of ​​closing zoos, captive animals could also develop serious behavioral problems.

So should we also ban pets like dogs and cats? No.

But, we must not give human feelings or behaviors to the animals that are in our environment.

Zoos have a role to play in our society and we must stop this madness of wanting to close everything.

Because, after fireworks and zoos, what’s next on the list of those who want to ban everything? Campfires?

In a few years, the only permitted activity will be eating granola bars with a liter of water in our basement.

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