Clogged drain, lost dentures | Worst 911 calls of 2022 in Saskatchewan

(Regina) A clogged drain, lost dentures, a greedy roommate: these are some of the reasons that prompted people in Saskatchewan to call 911 last year.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has released a list of the “10 worst calls” received in Saskatchewan in 2022, to raise awareness of misuse of the emergency call service.

A person called 911 because she had ordered $65 worth of food that her roommate had eaten, and wanted a police officer to settle the domestic dispute on the spot.

Another informed the RCMP that his drain was clogged and water would not flow. Another said she swallowed a mosquito, choked and lost her dentures so she couldn’t eat her meal.

Lee Rosin, recruitment officer and training facilitator for the RCMP call center in Saskatchewan, explains in a video posted on social media that 911 should be dialed for life-threatening or life-threatening emergencies, or when a crime is committed.

She points out that non-emergency calls can drain RCMP resources, which could be used to respond to situations that truly put a citizen’s life at risk.

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