climate, social justice… Yannick Jadot presents his ideas in Lyon


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In a meeting in the capital of Gaul, Saturday January 29, Yannick Jadot, the candidate of the ecologists, presented his program. With two strong axes: the climate and social justice.

The presidential election is fast approaching. Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate was in Lyon, in the Rhône, on Saturday January 29, to present the outline of its program. With the ambition to give a boost to his campaign. He hammered home his wish to establish an ecological Republic. “We would be catastrophists when we alert. We are dogmatic when we offer credible solutions. We are incompetent when crises occur because they did not anticipate them”castigated the candidate of the Greens.

The meeting lasted an hour and a quarter. 120 proposals were discussed. He promises 10 billion euros per year for the thermal renovation of housing or the phased exit from nuclear power. The other aspect of his program is social justice. Yannick Jadot offers a minimum wage of 1,500 euros net per month and a citizen income of 920 euros from the age of 18. He also wants 0% VAT on organic products. His voters say they are optimistic, while at the same time the popular primary takes place, in which he refused to participate.

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