Climate, immigration, alliance between the government and the right … What to remember from the interview with Benjamin Haddad

Benjamin Haddad, deputy for Paris and spokesperson for the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” on Saturday October 29. Climate crisis, enforcement of obligations to leave French territory (OQTF) for delinquent foreigners, possibility of an alliance between the right and the government… he answers questions from Jules de Kiss and Hadrien Bect.

Expulsion of foreigners in an irregular situation: “Priorizing delinquent foreigners”

It will be necessary to give absolute priority to delinquent foreigners“, assures Benjamin Haddad, when he was questioned on the execution of the obligations to leave French territory (OQTF). It arouses “a questioning of many of our fellow citizens” after the murder of 12-year-old Lola. In this case, the suspect is an Algerian national under the influence of an OQTF.

We’ve gone up to around 20% of the OQTFs executed, but that’s not enough“, he acknowledged. With its future immigration bill, the government wants to make “impossible“the life of foreigners subject to an OQTF, assured the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, Thursday, October 27 on France Inter.

Low Emission Zones (ZFE): “We have to go fast”

On Low Emission Zones (ZFE), “some say we’re going too fast, others say we’re not going fast enough“, summarizes Benjamin Haddad. For him, “you have to go fast, it’s important“. By 2025, 43 agglomerations will be affected by ZFEs, which aim to ban the circulation of the most polluting vehicles.

If he pleads for speed “faced with the imperative of ecological transition“, he is aware that he “balances will have to be found so that it does not particularly weigh on heavy riders, the most vulnerable households“.

Future park of photovoltaic panels in the Lot

It is obvious that it will be necessary to make an effort on the local acceptability“, declares Benjamin Hadad, while a mobilization against a future park of photovoltaic panels in the Lot is planned for this Saturday. This town is next to Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, classified as “the most beautiful village in France”. For him, it’s necessary “that we can draw economic benefits when we are in an area, a locality which has a high rate of renewable energies“.

A government agreement with the Republicans? “We can find convergences”

We want to work with Les Républicains [LR]we want to work with all Republican opposition groups“says Benjamin Haddad.”We will seek majorities with all those who want to build with us, who want to enrich our project in the coming months, the coming years.“, he said, and “it can pass by majorities by text“even”a reflection, perhaps in the long term, on a form of alliance“.

The presidential majority has “Construction sites“on which she can”find convergences with LR“.”Let’s take the pension reform: it’s been years since LR put pension reform and the extension of working hours in its programs, are they going to oppose the pension reform that we will lead because it comes from Emmanuel Macron? It wouldn’t make sense, it’s up to everyone to take responsibility“, according to him.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Saturday October 29, 2022:

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