Climate crisis | Quebec will announce financial assistance for the most vulnerable countries

(Montreal) Over the next few days, Quebec will announce a financial contribution to the most vulnerable countries to help them fight and adapt to the climate crisis. The thorny question of the losses and damages suffered by these countries is one of the major themes of COP27.

Posted at 4:07 p.m.

Stephane Blais
The Canadian Press

In an interview with The Canadian Press before his departure for Egypt, Minister Benoit Charette indicated that his government will take advantage of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to announce “significant commitments in terms of climate justice”, without, however, specifying the details of this contribution.

The issue of climate reparations from Northern countries to Southern countries which suffer more from the effects of climate change, even though they are also often the ones who contribute the least to it, is at the heart of discussions at COP27.

We have seen it there for 2 years, it is a theme that is gaining in importance, so Quebec will make its contribution. As for the amounts and the purpose of these commitments, I will have to ask you to wait a few more days.

Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks

“Clearly, we hear this signal sent by several countries in the South in particular, which say they are directly experiencing the effects of climate change,” added the minister, who is to fly to Egypt on Thursday.

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