Climate crisis and necessary decrease

COVID-19 is not over yet when COP26 arrives. From the public health crisis, the global headline goes to the ultimate crisis: climate change. The situation is brutal, and the wall towards which we are rushing at high speed is closer and closer.

In the package of solutions proposed or under study, it is repeated that few will have a major effect. It will take a number of measures applied simultaneously by all the major emitters to succeed in controlling the rise. Except for one condition, which seems essential to me: decrease. We have little choice, rich and populous countries in mind, unless we accept the consequences of global warming. By their inaction, politicians and leaders endorse this defeatist attitude. While we must enthusiastically aim for less material goods, fewer vehicles, transport and tourism, less mining, less meat and energy-intensive or aquavoring crops, more people per house in smaller cities. And less coal, oil, gas, not to mention plastics and so many other pollutants.

The test of reality says it, repeats it and confirms it: we must transform the economic model by turning our backs on fossil fuels. Better still, it should be transformed into a social model that would be community, inclusive, redistributive, equitable and benevolent.

The pandemic has shown that the system can be shut down in just a few days if the emergency strikes. Why not bring about a new shutdown, a huge, global pause to save human civilization? Each day of delay adds the weight of negative impacts on generations to come. Because they will pay the top price, unfortunately. But if we succeed in this big change (not to be confused with the great reset) and that we relaunched civilization with less, by producing less, by selling less, after having learned to curb our obsession for material accumulation …

Basically, is this such a good idea? Is Maintaining Human Hegemony On Earth Worth It? Wouldn’t a century or two of climatic catastrophes not be a good lesson in the brazen exploitation of the planet of which we are guilty? Like a spanking given by nature to this pretentious and disrespectful little animal whose brain has crossed the bounds.

Within a few decades, our way of life must radically change. Many of those born now will know if the transformation will be successful. Not me, nor my generation. If the population ages, then decreases in several countries, especially because of the lower birth rate – Quebec is approaching it – the mode of production will have to end up decreasing too, just like the production capacity, then the supply, then Requirement. The opportunity is there. The desire to survive will replace the desire to have it all. Then perhaps the simple desire to live will come.

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