Climate Change | The “just transition” bill is tabled

(OTTAWA) Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson introduced legislation Thursday to implement his sustainable jobs plan. Among other things, it will make it possible to create a secretariat to oversee the training programs that will enable workers in the hydrocarbon industry to retrain.

“When should this bill pass second reading? asked the Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, at the opening of the proceedings of the House of Commons.

“Never”, we heard on the Conservative benches.

Wilkinson’s long-awaited plan attracted little attention when it was unveiled on February 17, the same day as the Rouleau commission’s report was released. It has raised skepticism in Alberta where there are fears it will harm the energy sector. Prime Minister Danielle Smith had also called for its abandonment last winter.

Minister Wilkinson had also abandoned the term “just transition” to replace it with “sustainable jobs” after having suffered criticism from Alberta.

More details to come.

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