Climate change | Quebec targets 273 “problematic sites”

(Quebec) Quebec has identified 273 “problematic sites” that are at risk due to climate change, only in the Gaspésie – Îles-de-la-Madeleine region.

Patrice Bergeron
The Canadian Press

The Minister of Transport, François Bonnardel, unveiled these data following the heavy damage caused by the most recent fall storm to Route 132 in the Gaspé.

The opposition deplores for its part that only 1.5 million per year has been planned for climate adaptation for all of Quebec, and not before 2023.

“We can see that we will never get there with such ridiculous amounts,” lamented the PQ member for Jonquière, Sylvain Gaudreault.

During question period on Wednesday morning, Mr. Bonnardel said that there is a specific game plan for the 273 sites at risk. An impact study will be carried out over two years to assess the infrastructures that will have to be redone.

“These are extremely important and major issues,” said Mr. Bonnardel.

“You have to give yourself the time to do the job well […], carry out an environmental analysis of the 273 sites in order to be able to go as quickly as possible and ensure the security of the network as a whole, both on the Gaspé side and on the Magdalen Islands. ”

The PQ member for Gaspé, Méganne Perry Mélançon, recalled that the most recent storm was the third to have seriously damaged the 132 since 2013. Indeed, climate change tends to cause more severe weather events.

“We can be sure of one thing, there will be other storms,” ​​she apprehended.

It calls for better consultation and a committee made up of local authorities and experts, like what already exists in the Magdalen Islands.

Highway 132 was badly damaged by waves and wind in the Marsoui sector a few days ago, and this only link between the rest of Quebec and the Gaspé coast was almost completely severed.

The Minister explained that temporary rock fill work has been undertaken. A low wall which had fallen into the river also had to be recovered. More extensive repairs should be undertaken in the spring.

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