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The many heat waves to come could cause considerable damage to homes, cracks on the walls, dry floors. Faced with these vagaries of the weather, home insurance premiums could explode within twenty years.
A blazing sun and disasters that follow one another everywhere in France. Results : cracked, destroyed or flooded houses. Faced with climate change, insuring your home is becoming more and more expensive. This represents an increase of 34% in ten years. The bill could continue to soar: in 40 years, the cost of claims related to climatic hazards has quadrupled to reach 4 billion euros in 2021.
The additional costs vary according to the place of residence. “In the areas that are most affected, so the south-east, PACA, Occitanie, this is where we see that the increases have been the most significant since 2010: almost 40% in PACA”explains Stéphanie Duraffourd, spokesperson If no action is taken to improve the quality of construction, some professionals believe that home insurance premiums could explode by 113% at 200% by twenty year.