climate activists enter an Arkema factory


Video length: 1 min

Rhône: climate activists enter an Arkema factory

Rhône: climate activists enter an Arkema factory


On Saturday March 2, activists from Extinction Rebellion and Youth for Climate took action against an Arkema factory located in the Rhône. Eight people were arrested.

Hundreds of activists entered an Arkema factory on Saturday March 2. Members of Extinction Rebellion and Youth for Climate, dressed in white jumpsuits, attacked the building’s entry point. There were 300 of them according to the organizers, 150 according to the prefecture, protesting against the pollution generated by Arkema. “It is a company that works a lot in petrochemicals, and which creates eternal pollutants“, said an activist.

The factory will file a complaint

Activists accuse Arkema of dumping its products into the Rhône. To remedy the problem, they put forward three demands: “On the one hand, all company data related to pollution must be public. To limit the concrete pollution that the place causes, and that they recognize and compensate all the victims of their pollution”. For its part, the company believes it is not at fault. The protest was stopped by the arrival of the CRS. Eight people were arrested according to the prefecture. The factory announced it was filing a complaint.

source site-29