Climate activists briefly block a highway in Switzerland

(Lausanne) Des militants du climat ont bloqué brièvement lundi une bretelle d’autoroute à Lausanne en Suisse, provoquant un important embouteillage en pleine heure de pointe avant d’être délogés par la police.

Publié à 9h54

Plusieurs militants se sont assis sur la route aux environ de 6 h GMT (2 h HNE) pour empêcher le trafic en tenant des banderoles « Renovate Switzerland » (Rénovez la Suisse) du nom de leur mouvement.

Les patrouilles de police arrivées sur place ont rapidement évacué les militants sans incident.

Dans un tweet, la police cantonale indique avoir « interpellé une dizaine de personnes qui ont bloqué les véhicules à l’arrêt […] between 7:50 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. People will be reported. Traffic was restored at 8:22 a.m.

These activists – for whom this is the first action in Switzerland and who claim to be part of a movement that already exists in a dozen countries – are demanding from the federal government a plan for the thermal renovation of housing to reduce CO2 emissions.2 and Switzerland’s energy dependence. A theme that has a particular resonance in the midst of the Russian gas crisis.

“Switzerland currently has no concrete plan to meet its climate commitments and reduce CO2 emissions.2 “, declared Cécile Bessire, member of the collective to AFP.

Activists “demand that the Federal Council take the simplest and most obvious first steps to find a solution to the crisis”, she adds, calling for the implementation of a national plan to renovate, by 2040. , the one million homes that urgently need insulation.

They are calling for subsidies for the energy renovation of buildings of 1 billion francs (1.35 billion Canadian dollars) per year from 2023.

This is 5 times more than at present, according to the movement, which also calls for the training of 100,000 additional workers in the construction sector.

source site-61