Clermont-Ferrand is aiming for 20% energy savings this winter

Faced with soaring energy prices and the context of war in Ukraine which is impacting our supplies, the City and Metropolis of Clermont have decided on a sobriety plan with measures applicable from October 1st. Objective to reduce by 20% the energy consumption of a territory which already claims to be sober: with 21.4 MWh/inhabitant against 42 at the national level.

Reduced heating in schools and gymnasiums

These short-term efforts relate in particular to heating: one degree less to heat to 19°C in offices, media libraries and even schools. This is what makes some teachers chuckle, whose classes are real energy sieves. For them, the real savings would be made by changing the windows.

The thermostat will also drop in gymnasiums to fall to 14°C. The sobriety plan plans to heat for less time, not before the end of October and until mid-April maximum, with two hours less heating each day.

Public lighting cut off at night

As of the transition to winter time (night of October 29 to 30), public lighting will be cut between midnight and 6 a.m. except in the city center and areas “presenting a particular security issue”, the municipality does not specify which ones. Dark night also in municipal gardens and parks as soon as they close and street advertising furniture is turned off.

The Christmas illumination period will also be reduced from December 2 to January 2.

Finally, the Metropolis will experiment with the reuse of water from swimming pools, in particular that of Chamalières, currently under construction and whose water, freed from chlorine, will be used to water plants in metropolitan greenhouses.

Clermont Métropole recalls in passing the actions already undertaken such as the new heat networks powered by renewable energies, the photovoltaic panels installed in the car parks or the 5,000 LED lights and soon 3,000 more installed, knowing that the city has 20,000 light points , there is still work to be done.

source site-38