Clermont crushes Lyon, Toulon unlocks its away counter … What to remember from Saturday’s matches

With Alivereti Raka author of a hat-trick for Clermont and Jiuta Wainiqolo well inspired in Pau, the 5th day of Top 14, Saturday October 1, was animated. UBB painfully won their second success of the season against Stade Français (15-10), while Toulon won in Pau (17-34) for their first away success.

On the other hand, the curse of the Marcel-Michelin stadium continues to hit LOU, corrected by ASM (43-20), while Perpignan took the best of Castres at home (14-10). Brive for his part overthrew Bayonne (25-22) which nevertheless provides the defensive bonus.

The player: Alivereti Raka, nightmare of the Lyonnais

To the shock of the suitors, advantage Clermont. WSA got the better of LOU (43-20) thanks to an offensive efficiency embodied by the triple by Alivereti Raka. the Fijian had a remarkable match (three tries, 144 meters gained) although the conquest has not always been serene in the face of the LOU. Worst defense in the championship, the Lyonnais were weighed down by their indiscipline in a Stade Marcel-Michelin which did not suit them. The LOU has never won in Clermont in the entire history of the Top 14.

The test: Wainiqolo corrects Pau and gives Toulon a first away victory

A beautiful test. Toulon outclassed the Section Paloise on Saturday (17-34), in the Stade du Hameau. Solid in defense and effective in front, Mignoni’s men unrolled a controlled score, punctuated by no less than four tries in the first period. The feat of the day is to the credit of Jiuta Wainiqolo. Launched by Waisea Nayacalevu, the Fijian winger repeatedly hooked the defenders of Pau to score Toulon’s fourth try (29th).

This away victory offers a little air and a boost of confidence to the Toulonnais hitherto weighed down by two defeats on the road this season (28-8 in Toulouse, 19-13 in Toulon).

The scenario: Bayonne barely grabs the defensive bonus

The Basques messed up before snatching a defensive bonus point on the wire (25-22). Led 18-3 at the end of the first period, Bayonne was largely dominated by Brive before waking up at the end of the match. Undisciplined, offering a free trial to the Corréziens just before the break, the men of Palat raised their heads to reverse the trend (three tries in the second half, two of which were converted). They fail three small units from victory but, engaged in the race to maintain, hang a precious point on the thread.

Statistics: Perpignan, a first since 2013

The Catalans went to get her. At the end of the match under high tension, Perpignan signed a second consecutive victory at the Aimé-Giral stadium against Castres (14-10). A first since 2013 for the Catalan club, which had to tighten its lines of defense against an explosive reaction from the Tarnais in the second period.

The shower : Bordeaux-Bègles heads out of the water against Stade Français

Under an execrable drache which slowed down bodies and minds, Bordeaux-Bègles and the Parisians suffered for a long time. Interesting in conquest but showing a lot of waste in their game, the UBB was content to ensure the essentials against Stade Français (15-10). Ssaved by the infallible foot of Matthieu Jalibert against the poles (15 points, 5/5), the men of Urios won their second success of the season after a certain delay in the ignition on the championship.

However, without the rear rescue of Louis Bielle-Biarrey on a dangerous action by Sekou Macalou (55th), the result could have been severe. The Stade Français players won the defensive bonus point on the only try of the game (Melikidze, 80th + 5).

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