Clémentine Sarlat soon to be a mother: her husband Clément Marienval makes a couvade, she kindly laughs

Last straight line for Clémentine Sarlat. The 34-year-old journalist will soon give birth to her third child, a little girl, the fruit of her love affair with former rugby player Clément Marienval. Suffice to say that he played the game to accompany his wife in the home stretch of her pregnancy. If he was undoubtedly a major support for the morale of the future mother, he also wanted to be of unfailing help on the physical level. To reassure Clémentine Sarlat in the obvious weight gain caused by pregnancy, Clément Marienval did the same!

In Instagram story this Monday, January 31, the 36-year-old ex-athlete filmed himself getting on the scale and revealed his weight without complex: 101.6 kilos for the future dad. A “brood“assumed that made Clémentine Sarlat laugh. The latter reposted the images, slightly mocking her other half: “Oh yeah anyway ! I have room!“Who loves…

It was in 2014 that Clémentine Sarlat and Clément Marienval met for the first time on a rugby pitch. The young woman covers a match at Stade Rochelais, of which her future husband proudly wears the colors. The first moments are destabilizing, for one as for the other: “He looked at me like a psychopath. He was training, he was handsome, tanned, the Don Juan type and watched me for an hour. In the headset, I was told that this player had a problem with me. As a journalist, I wasn’t there to be hit on, I had to be credible. He made me feel uncomfortable“, she revealed in the pages of QG in 2019. They don’t know it yet but Clémentine Sarlat and Clément Marienval are having the love at first sight of their lives.

After having quietly got to know each other on social networks and having discovered many points in common, Clémentine Sarlat and Clément Marienval begin their love story and it is (still) not close to ending. Having become parents of two little girls, Ella, 4 years old and Jasmine, 1 year old, the lovers passed the ring on their finger, under the tender gaze of their children, on September 25 and are therefore preparing to welcome their third baby. Their trial of love was more than transformed.

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