Clémentine Sarlat: Details of her incredible home birth for Jasmine

Clementine Sarlat awaits a happy event. In February 2022 her husband, former rugby player Clément Marienval, and she will welcome their third child. A baby she will give birth to at home, as she has already done for her second daughter.

The life of Clémentine Sarlat and Clément Marienval changed in 2017. That year, the sports journalist specializing in rugby, athletics and tennis gave birth to her first baby. A little girl who responds to the sweet name of Ella. Three years later, it was Jasmine who pointed the tip of her nose, in her family’s love nest. The charming 33-year-old blonde has indeed chosen to give birth at home, a subject she raised with Loopsider.

I gave birth at home. It was the most amazing experience of all my life“, first confided the happy mother. Clémentine Sarlat wanted to try this experience with her first daughter. But, was”not prepared“and not knowing much about the procedures, she finally gave birth to the maternity hospital”in a very classic thing, quite medicalized“.”It wasn’t a disaster, but it wasn’t what I wanted“, she clarified.

For her second daughter, it was therefore “non-negotiable“, she wanted at all costs to give birth at home. She pointed out that according to statistics from the INSEE, 30% of women wanted to give birth to their baby at home, in particular because of the Covid-19 which was”a catastrophe in human relations“or the gynecological violence which is becoming more and more frequent.”Also because midwives are understaffed. (…) When we are at home, we have our midwife. We can only be well. It doesn’t have to go well but, in any case, the basic conditions are there and they are respected. Obviously, emergency transfers do exist“, she continued.

Fortunately, Clémentine Sarlat did not have any complications during the birth of jasmine, which happened very quickly. At 2:24 am, she was taking selfies with Clément Marienval and twenty minutes later, she felt that something was happening. So she called the midwife before going into the water to relax. Five minutes later, his daughter was in his arms. “My midwife hadn’t even arrived yet. She arrived as I was pulling my daughter out of the water“, she remembered. A unique moment.

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