Clémentine Justine (Face to face) married and mother: photos of Pierre and Louis, the men in her life

Tonight at 9:10 p.m. on France 3 will be the broadcast of a new episode of the series Face to face by Julien Zidi and July Hygreck. A show that stages the complicated relationship of a police captain and an investigating judge with very different working methods. The two women will then discover that they are actually half-sisters…

This evening will be an opportunity for viewers to see the actors Claire borotra, Constance Gay, Pascal Demolon as well as Clementine Justinean actress already seen in Alex Hugo, Our dear neighbors and especially Clear-Eyed Revenge. The actress from Troyes is making her mark on television by multiplying the projects. On the private side, she shares her free time with the two men in her life, her son Louis and her husband Pierre. The young woman has been married since 2018. Last September she paid tribute to her husband through a touching Instagram post. “Wheaten wedding… Many more years of love… The images speak for themselves. I wish us a long road my Pierre“, had commented the young woman in the caption of a series of photos where we see her during the celebrations with her companion.

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