Clément Rémiens: What has happened since he left Here it all begins? A famous friend swings!

All the cast of the series Here it all starts will soon be on the floor of Dance with the stars. For its twelfth season, the organizers of the show have, among other things, invited Thomas Da Costa, who plays Axel Teyssier in the TF1 program. Before him, viewers had applauded the great efforts of Aurélie Pons, who had still reached fourth place on the podium. A few years earlier, in 2018, the one who had lifted the cup alongside Denitsa Ikonomova was Clément Rémiens. But what has become of the young actor since he left the parquet floor of DALSthen film sets?

We call each other regularly. We are very close

Difficult to follow in his footsteps as the 24-year-old actor is modest and discreet. On his Instagram account, Clément Rémiens mostly shares the exploits he accomplishes in his vegetable garden, far from the big city, far from all the little friends he has made while filming in tomorrow belongs to us from 2017 to 2020, then in Here it all starts from 2020 to 2022. But nothing else. To find out more, you must therefore ask those around you, and this is how Aurélie Pons revealed, in the pages of the magazine Star TV, what the former interpreter of Maxime Delcourt was doing with his life. “Of course, my Clem! We call each other regularlyshe confessed. We are very close. He is currently traveling.”

For a long time, Clément Rémiens was considered the rising star of TF1. But after a few years of good and loyal service, the actor felt like he wanted to go elsewhere. “After four years of working with the character of Maxime, I decided to stophe explained to the newspaper The voice of the North. I’m very happy with everything that happened but it’s always rushed, we don’t stop working… and I need to see something else. It is time for rest. I take time for myself. My projects are personal.” Too bad a friend ended up spilling the beans…

Find the full interview with Aurélie Pons in the Télé Star magazine of September 3, 2022.

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