Clément Beaune will ask “in the next few hours” for energy savings from major operators



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AfterEmmanuel Macron’s call for energy “sobriety” to the French Thursday, Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, indicated on franceinfo that he will ask operators such as SNCF to say by “the end of summer” how they can reduce their energy consumption.

“I am going to ask the major operators in the next few hours, I am thinking of the SNCF, the air sector, to say from the end of the summer what additional measures we can take to speed up in terms of lighting, daily consumption”declared Friday, July 15 on franceinfo Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate for Transport, the day after Emmanuel Macron’s call for energy “sobriety” to the French during an interview given on the occasion of July 14.

“In the fall, we will need to have a savings plan for the winter that involves everyone, but it starts by setting an example in our major sectors and our major administrations.”

Clement Beaune

at franceinfo

“It’s the big ones before the small ones (…) All of us, as citizens, will be all the more inclined to make an effort in our daily lives, on heating, on air conditioning, if we feel that it’s a general mobilization, that there is an effort by public authorities and large companies.”

“We have to go faster” and “control more”, specifies the Minister Delegate in charge of Transport who will bring together “rapidly” all players in the sector to be “ready to accelerate at the start of the school year”.

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