Clément Beaune predicts “one of the most difficult days we have known” for March 7

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12:48 : “I think for many it will be a real hassle, especially for those who cannot telecommute”, added Clément Beaune, interviewed on France 3 during the program “Sunday in politics”, while the unions, which display their unity against the pension reform, call for “France at a standstill” March 7.


12:45 p.m. : Transport Minister Clément Beaune expects “one of the most difficult days we have known” during the mobilization to come on Tuesday, March 7.

11:42 : FO Transports and SUD Solidaires road transport are calling for a renewable strike from this Sunday evening against the pension reform, the unions confirm to Radio France. Road hauliers are thus called upon to disengage from 10 p.m. The other truck drivers’ unions (CGT Transports, CFDT Route, CFTC Transports, SNATT CFE-CGC) are calling for a mobilization from Tuesday to join the mobilization launched by the Intersyndicale. Here are the latest updated forecasts by sector.

11:00 : And to answer you more precisely, @Albert Camus, no, it’s neither self-censorship nor fear that took me several minutes to answer your questions about the special regime for senators. I am not a machine, I take the time I deem necessary to provide verified and accurate information. Sometimes, too, I don’t have answers to the questions that are put to me and then I prefer not to risk saying nonsense. This does not mean that the subjects will not be covered elsewhere in other forms on our site.

10:54 : Hello, thank you for your questions, many of you are wondering about this in this live. To my knowledge, there is no indication of a change in the regime for senators at this time. The text of the reform bill does not mention the special scheme for senators, who have had an independent scheme, with their own pension fund, since 1905. As we explained at the beginning of February in this article, only the offices of the he National Assembly and the Senate can decide on possible changes to the pension plans of parliamentarians. On February 3, government spokesman Olivier Véran confirmed on franceinfo that the government could not intervene in the regime of parliamentarians.

10:55 : Good morning ! The Senate has voted the end of certain special regimes, what about theirs?

10:54 : Why not invoke the special regime of very old and useless SENATORS whose special regime is not modified?? Self-censorship?? or scare??

10:54 : Good morning. Is the retirement plan for senators included in article 1 of the pension reform abolishing certain special plans adopted by the Senate yesterday?

10:33 am : Hello, thank you for your questions. The special regimes concerned by article 1 of the draft reform, which provides for the gradual extinction of these regimes, are those of the electricity and gas industries, the RATP, the Banque de France and the clerks and employees of notaries. On the other hand, other specific special schemes are not concerned, such as that of sailors, that of the Comédie Française, or even that of the liberal professions and lawyers and agricultural schemes.

10:27 : What are the special regimes that are NOT concerned?

10:27 : Hello, which special diets remain as they are?

10:43 am : Good morning @Mark, thank you for your question. I don’t know if strikes are planned for this evening among road hauliers. But actions are planned for March 7 and 8, to “to harden the tone” against the reform, said Fabrice Michaud, secretary general of the CGT Transports, this morning on franceinfo. In particular, he mentioned the possibility of conducting “snail operations” and blockages. We regularly update the forecasts concerning the mobilization against the reform in several sectors (transport, schools…) next week in this article.

10:26 : Hello, It seems that the road carriers are going on strike tonight. Do you have any info?

10:27 : Many of you are asking questions in this live on the reform project, while the debates have resumed for an hour in the Senate. I will do my best to try to answer you. As a reminder, the senators adopted article 1 last night, which concerns the closure of certain special regimes, in particular at the RATP and in the energy sector. The upper chamber is to consider article 2 today, which proposes the establishment of a senior index in companies. The deadline for debates is March 12, at midnight. In parallel, a day of inter-union mobilization against the reform is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7.

09:12 : The debates resume this morning at 9.30 am in the upper chamber. The senators will look at article 2 of the text, which proposes the creation of a senior index, rejected by the National Assembly on February 14. As a reminder, the deadline for debates is set for March 12, at midnight.

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