“It is important that the motorway companies make a commercial gesture” in this period of inflation, declared the Minister Delegate for Transport.
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The Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, called on the motorway companies on Wednesday June 7 to concede “a discount” on tolls to motorists during the summer holidays, at least equivalent to the 10% granted last year to those who paid with holiday vouchers.
“We are a few weeks away from the big departures on vacation which will take place from the end of June at the beginning of July, for many French people. We know that we are in a difficult period, of inflation, of difficulties on the power of purchase. And so I think (…) that, in this context, it is important that motorway companies make a commercial gesture, make a reduction“, declared Clément Beaune on RTL.
“We need this gesture”
Last summer, the main motorway companies granted a 10% reduction on journeys for holders of an electronic toll badge if they paid with holiday vouchers. “I would like us to have at least an equivalent gesture this year for families going on vacation by road” and that the measure be applied from the first departures and not in mid-July like last year, he said.
The Minister Delegate for Transport specified that he was going to discuss the “terms” with motorway companies next week. “We need this gesture, it is my responsibility as Minister of Transport. I am not minister for motorway companies, I am minister for all French people who go on vacation and who also travel by car”, he admitted. He finally called “demagogy” the proposal by LFI deputy François Ruffin to make the motorways free this summer.