Clément Beaune announces reductions on Intercités trains this summer and a “cheap single ticket” for TER

Discounts on Intercity trains are to be announced in a few days and “will be for all users”, said the Minister of Transport.

Discounts on your train tickets. SNCF will set up discounts “for all users” this summer on Intercity trains, and the State plans to launch in the coming months, with the regions, a “pass”, cheap single ticket, covering Intercités and TER, announced on Sunday June 25 the Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, during the Grand Jury on RTL, Le Figaro and LCI.

“In the coming days, I will announce a number of pricing measures, reductions in particular on Intercity trains which are directly under my ministry, they will be for all users”, said Clement Beaune. “It will be extremely simple and extremely powerful”he promised.

“A simple pass” with the regions

SNCF’s Intercités trains, which are not high-speed, serve routes such as Paris-Limoges, Paris-Clermont-Ferrand or Bordeaux-Marseille. They transport every year “12 million travelers”, according to the minister. Five billion euros investments have been announced to renovate the rolling stock of these lines, recalled Clément Beaune.

Moreover, “I think we should move towards a pass that is attractive on all daily trains, Intercités and TER”, he added. The Minister praised the efforts already made by certain regions, such as Occitanie, which has launched “the 1 euro train” for young people, and PACA, which has set up a “package at 90 euros for unlimited train for students all year round”.

“We must sit around the table with the regions which are already making great efforts, the State which can also do so, to define in the coming months a simple pass, a cheap single ticket”, he judged.

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