Clémence Castel separated from Mathieu Johann (Star Academy): revelations about their somewhat special meeting

Viewers are introduced to a new side to the face – blushing! – by Clémence Castel in the program Traitors, on M6, for a few weeks. They will soon see her chain the choreographies, in the arms of another woman, facing Chris Marques, Bilal Hassani, François Alu and Marie-Agnès Gillot on the floor of the twelfth season of Dance with the stars. But for a long time, very little was known about her. We knew her adventurous side, since she intervened several times in Koh Lantaand we knew that she was in a relationship with a former semi-finalist candidate for the Star Academy 4, Matthew Johann. But not more.

That time is over since it has since become an essential face of television and in July 2019, Clémence Castel and Mathieu Johann announced that they were separating. He had discreetly mentioned this rupture on social networks, she had made, for her part, her public coming-out, specifying that she had been in a relationship for two years with a certain Marie. But it is impossible to draw a complete line under this love story that united them, especially since they had two boys together – Louis, born in 2010, and Marin, born in 2014 – and the beginnings of their romance are hard to forget.

So we met for that

After having spotted Clémence Castel in the famous adventure show, in 2005, Mathieu Johann had actually contacted her using the press service of TF1 … for a musical project! “He nurtured the project of recording an album of duets of women from various backgrounds, she said in 2018 in the columns of France Sunday. And, as he had seen me win Koh Lanta, he had the idea of ​​making me sing a title that would have spoken of adventure, of escape. So we met for that, but as I really sing like a casserole, the project did not succeed. It at least allowed us to start a beautiful love story. The famous album actually never saw the light of day. But let’s admit it was for better and for worse…

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