Clem: Who is François-David Cardonnel, ex-star of Koh-Lanta and new recruit to the series?

This Monday March 28, 2022, TF1 is launching the twelfth season of its successful series Clem. For the occasion, loyal viewers discover two new faces. Helena Noguerra plays the role of one of Valentin’s teachers while Francois-David Cardonnel embodies Jérôme, the ex-husband of the main heroine, played by Lucie Lucas. Before replacing Benoît Michel in this role, the charming 37-year-old blond lived another life, that of an adventurer.

Indeed, he is first known for his participation in Koh Lanta. It was in 2006… and François-David Cardonnel came out a big winner ! At the time, he was 21 years old and introduced himself as a fencer. Since that first television appearance, his acting career has taken off. He has made notable appearances in Research sections, Alice Nevers or The Charity Bazaar side television and illustrated itself on big screen with the cinema in Boys and Guillaume, to the table ! by Guillaume Gallienne. Today, here he is giving the reply to Lucie Lucas and Loup-Denis Elion, among others, in Clem.

From Koh-Lanta adventurer to accomplished actor, there is only one step

And between the character of Jérôme and the actor François-David Cardonnel, there are similar traits. “I was like him for a long time: raised in the countryside, I have this adventurous sidehe confided to Entertainment TV. But over the years I tend to soften. Before, I chose to spend my holidays doing treks, I traveled whole countries by night bus. But, at some point, you want to stay longer at the hotel. And I’m going, slowly but surely, towards this way of traveling, more comfortable.

This Robinson side is over for him. After participating in 2009 in Koh-Lanta, The Return of the Heroes, he was again asked by the production for an All Stars edition. And it was a no! “Koh Lanta, it was awesome to do when I was 21, a time in my life where adventure was part of my mindset. At almost 40 years old, I would have neither the motivation nor the desire to leave“, he explains, specifying to follow the survival game from his sofa. And it is undoubtedly in the arms of his wife, the beautiful Lila Guennas, ex-language teacher who has become an actress, that he comments Koh Lanta !

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