Claude Lelouch in love: his unusual meeting with his partner Valérie Perrin

Director Claude Lelouch, promoting his film Love is better than life, currently in theaters, gave an interview for S Sophie Davant’s magazine. The opportunity for the filmmaker with multiple awards to talk about love, the subject of his new film, his conquests, ex-wives and to declare his love for his current companion, the writer Valerie Perrin.

In a relationship with the latter since 2006, the father of 7 children returned to this unusual meeting: “Valérie sent me a very nice letter in which she explained to me what I had never told anyone. Seeing my films, she had seen things that only she had seen“. Touched by this meeting, the director did not fail to pay tribute to the one who has since become his companion after a busy life: “The hardest part is finding your widow… you have to find the last wife. I have long practiced jogging in love. Finding the one that runs to the end with you is another story. Yes I found the woman of my life (…) My previous women were training, the hardest thing is to find the last.

At 84 and despite 3 marriages, Claude Lelouch has never seemed so sentimental. “One thing is certain, I no longer want to neglect my love life”. “I have damaged it all my life (love stories), without even realizing it, he confided before affirming, it is very fragile, love, and when one is confronted with a true love story, it must be protected…”

Love is better than life tells the story of 3 friends Gérard, Ary and Philippe (Gérard Darmon, Ary Abittan, Philippe Lelouch) who decide to come clean when they get out of prison… 20 years later, Gérard knows he is doomed by illness, but his friends want to offer him one last love story (Sandrine Bonnaire). Kev Adams, Béatrice Dalle and Elsa Zylberstein are also in the cast of the film showing since January 19.

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