Claude Julien is happy for Martin St-Louis

Former Montreal Canadiens head coach Claude Julien had nothing but good things to say about the hiring of Martin St-Louis.

• Read also: Martin St-Louis signs a three-year contract with the Canadiens

• Read also: Martin St-Louis: the ideal choice

Thursday, the CH awarded a three-year contract to the former player of the National Hockey League (NHL). St-Louis previously held the position of interim head coach of the Habs, since last February.

“Martin managed to convince his players to trust him. At least that’s what I perceive. It’s a good start,” said Julien on Friday during his visit to “Montreal 690”, an AM radio station on the TSN network.

Julien is considered an experienced coach, having worked behind the benches of three teams on the Bettman circuit for nearly two decades. The 62-year-old man does not see the hiring of a neophyte like St-Louis with a negative eye.

“As a coach who’s been doing this for a long time, you always want the best for the coaches who get this type of opportunity,” he said. It is a difficult job. It’s no small feat to please the players, the organization and the fans. You are always being questioned.

“Martin will gain experience over time. Coaches, we never stop learning. It will be the same for him and I am sure he will make adjustments over time,” added Julien.

Return to the NHL

Recently, the former Canadian driver led Team Canada. He was the national roster head coach for the Beijing Olympics and the most recent Ice Hockey World Championship.

Julien does not hide that he is looking for a new opportunity in the NHL. However, he wants to end up with a formation where he will be given the correct time.

“I want to work with an organization and a general manager who have the same vision as me,” he said. I want to know where we are going and what the expectations are.”

“I wouldn’t mind being with a rebuilding team or a club that aspires to top honours. The important thing is to be on the same page.”

The one who lived two passages with the Bleu-Blanc-Rouge, from 2002 to 2006 and from 2017 to 2021, still has the sacred fire.

“I miss going to war with the players. I like finding solutions and being at the center of the action. I watch several games [de la LNH] and I’m more stressed than when I was behind the bench. When I was there, I felt like I was in control,” said the man who also worked for the New Jersey Devils (2006-2007) and Boston Bruins (2008-2008). 2017).

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