Classic Objects, Jenny Hval | The duty

On her eighth solo album (and first for the legendary 4AD record label), author, composer, performer and writer Jenny Hval reaches out to the general public by taking a step away from experimental electronic song to explore grooves softer and more organic — for example the bewitching American Coffeevaguely reminiscent of the Primal Scream of the early 1990s, in more posed. Classic Objects is thus based on natural percussion, a carnal bass, classic organs rather than the synths of his previous projects. The melodic genius, the clear voice and the delicate phrasing of the Norwegian thus seem even more limpid on this bewitching reflection on oneself, on the inner withdrawal that we have all felt during this pandemic. “It made me feel ordinary, and feeling that way pushed me to write something very frank”, she describes in the preamble to this disc which reveals all its complexity, lyrically and orchestrally (tremendous Cemetery of Splendor and Jupiter), after several listenings.

Classic Objects



Jenny Hval, 4AD

To see in video

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