clashes took place during the funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh




Article written by

M.De Chalvron, L.Feuillebois, @RévélateursFTV – France 2

France Televisions

Clashes between Palestinians and Israelis escalate in Jenin, West Bank. This is where journalist Shireen Abu Akleh died, whose funeral took place on Friday 13 May.

Friday, May 13, in a refugee camp in Jenin (West Bank), Palestinian fighters exchanged fire with the Israeli army. This violence had not been observed for a long time in the West Bank. The Palestinians are trying to prevent an Israeli incursion, which has multiplied in recent days. During the clashes, one Israeli soldier died and 13 Palestinians were injured.

Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh died while covering the fighting in Jenin on Wednesday May 11. In East Jerusalem, during the funeral of the Al-Jazeera journalist, clashes took place on Friday, May 13. The coffin of the deceased almost fell to the ground following a charge by the Israeli security forces. Palestinian flags were also removed from the vehicle carrying the remains. Palestinians accuse the Israeli army of killing journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

source site-24