According to American media, the encampment set up at the Californian university was invaded by a group of counter-protesters during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. The police intervened.
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Sticking, punching, shoving… Clashes broke out on the night of Tuesday, April 30 to Wednesday, May 1, on the campus of UCLA University, in Los Angeles. According to the police and images broadcast by American television, the pro-Palestinian encampment set up at the University of California was taken over by a group of counter-protesters. “At the request of UCLA, due to numerous acts of violence committed in the encampment inside the campus, the LAPD intervenes to assist the university police and restore order and security”announced the Los Angeles city police on X.
Pro-Palestinian students set up camp in the heart of the famous UCLA campus, on a lawn surrounded by barricades. UCLA Chancellor Gene D. Block had warned, before these clashes, against the presence of people from outside the university. Already, on Sunday, pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli activists, supported by numerous demonstrators from outside the campus, had come to blows, with shoving and insults.
“Many protesters and counter-protesters practice their activism peacefully. But others employ methods that are frankly shocking and shamefulwrote the chancellor in a message published on the university website. We have witnessed acts of violence. These incidents have caused, especially among our Jewish students, deep anxiety and fear.”.