“Clash stupid”, Patrick Sébastien dismayed by Juliette Armanet and her speech concerning Michel Sardou!

On August 7, during his appearance on the online media Tiptik,
Juliette Armanet had launched an attack against one of Michel Sardou’s emblematic titles, Connemara Lakes. The 39-year-old singer from Lille did not hold back, describing this song as a real disgust. His criticisms were particularly aimed at the side “Scout” And “sectarian” as well as the musical quality that she described as“filthy”. In addition, she had underlined a political orientation “of right”. A clear opinion which sparked lively debate and numerous reactions.

On social networks, Internet users did not fail to defend the singer. For his part, the main person concerned also spoke at the microphone ofEurope 1

. “I’ll tell you the truth, I don’t know this young woman, she said something stupid, it happens to everyone; she sent me a very nice email or she apologized and I replied an email to her nice. I’m surprised that it’s taken on such proportions. I don’t see what’s controversial. We have the right to like my songs and not to like them, it’s a free country. We have to that everyone understands that when you write a song, it’s not to please everyone, but as much as possible. It’s obvious that there are people who don’t like it and that’s not serious. There is no point in starting a ridiculous controversy where we talk about the right, the left… An Irish marriage is not enough to trigger a civil war.” he said. This Tuesday, October 3, 2023, he did it again on the occasion of his big return to the stage…

Also see: Michel Sardou sends a well-felt tackle to Juliette Armanet on the first date of her tour!

“It’s still more important…”

A war that Patrick Sébastien clearly has great difficulty understanding. In an interview with the magazine Paris hereon newsstands this Wednesday October 4, 2023, the former presenter of Largest Cabaret in the world discussed the news at length before returning to the rivalry between the two artists. “We cannot remain passive in the face of this dehumanization. It’s like incivility, the lack of respect. How can we accept that firefighters and doctors are stoned? We cannot be satisfied with warnings and indignant reactions, we must be intractable on these subjects. This is how we will find real spaces of freedom”, he indicated. “It’s still more important than all the stupid clashes, like Juliette Armanet who doesn’t like Michel Sardou’s songs!” That’s what it says…


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