Clash Matthieu Delormeau / Delphine Wespiser

The media devoted to television news have only been talking about this for almost twenty-four hours. After being compared to Dieudonné on April 22 in TPMP by his colleague Matthieu Delormeau, Delphine Wespiser wanted to make things clear in front of the main interested party. And the former Miss France did not mince words. “It’s a poison (…) You make me pity”she notably swung on the set, ready to settle her accounts. “You would sell father and mother to make the buzz”also dropped the Alsatian visibly touched by the words of the former host of NRJ 12.

On Twitter, in a series of messages, the columnist Clément Garin, sometimes present in “TPMP” then got annoyed and carried away: “Maybe I’ll think about filing a complaint against her for ‘threats’ suddenly. It is time to put the church back in the center of the village. She has the ticket, I don’t. Matthieu has no right to compare her to Dieudonné, but Delphine Wespiser has the right to threaten me with impunity because I am nobody. In solidarity with Matthieu, if she attacks him for defamation, I attack him for threats“.

On April 13, the young man had a small clash with his colleague on the Touche plateau not at my post, shocked that the latter wanted Marine Le Pen to become the “mother of the French”. “Clément, if you want to get out little backs’, maybe on you, we have some too“, had launched the columnist. Words which had then brought Clément Garin out of his hinges. “Why threats? Do we have the right to disagree without being directly threatening? You want to take out files on me, I’m listening to you …”, he was indignant.

Shocked by the attitude of Delphine Wespiser Wednesday April 27 live on C8, Clément Garin added: “Matthieu’s mother is dead, it’s a trauma for him that has never healed. Delphine threatens me, Delphine indignant with Matthieu. It’s time to understand. She pours her hatred always on the same profiles. (…) If people knew. Anyway, I’m closing it. Am drunk“.


See also: “TPMP”: Delphine Wespiser pushes Iris Mittenaere!

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