Clarisse Agbegnenou announces that she is pregnant but confirms her desire to participate in the Paris Olympics in 2024

The judoka won two gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics last July.

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Three months after confiding her desire for motherhood in Tout le Sport, judokate Clarisse Agbegnenou announced on Monday February 7 that she was expecting her first child. The double Olympic champion nevertheless assured that she would be back for the Paris Olympics in 2024.

“I officially announce that I will not resume immediately because I am pregnant”she wrote on her Facebook and Instagram accounts, six months after winning her two gold medals at the Tokyo Games.

“It’s something I’ve been looking forward to as a woman!! So I’m taking a break from my judoka career. But don’t worry, I’ll be back for the 2024 Paris Olympics”she added, also posting a photo with her companion, each holding baby booties in their hands.

The 29-year-old Frenchwoman won her first two Olympic titles last summer in Japan, where she led the French delegation in the opening ceremony in tandem with gymnast Samir Aït Saïd, both standard bearers .

In addition to his three Olympic medals [en or en -63 kg et par équipes aux JO 2020, une autre en argent en -63 kg aux JO 2016], she also won five world gold medals and five European gold medals. Back in Paris after her two coronations in Tokyo, she hinted that she wanted to defend the colors of France, at home, in 2024.

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