civilians trapped in Gaza


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – V.Lerouge, R.Abu Jamus, H.Chaalen, T.Abu Rahmeh, E.Noël

France Televisions

The blockade put in place by Israel on Gaza is due to come into force on Wednesday October 11. Because of the bombings, residents are already deprived of water or electricity.

At the entrance to supermarkets in Gaza, queues formed on Wednesday October 11. Families stock up on canned goods, rice and flour. The blockade decided by Israel risks quickly causing shortages. “I don’t think I’ll last more than four days.”, says Jbara Abu Sharik, supermarket manager. Private water distribution companies are overwhelmed and are supplying residents by truck, but local production is insufficient. The blockade is supposed to come into force on Wednesday.

The Israeli army continues its bombings

In fact, the Gaza Strip is already cut off from the world. “Since Sunday, the bombings have been random. First we lost electricity, then we no longer had water,” testifies a resident. Every day, aerial images reveal neighborhoods in ruins, completely devastated. The Israeli army continues to relentlessly shell Hamas sites. According to the UN, 250,000 Palestinians have already been displaced in the Gaza Strip since the Israeli response.

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