civilian survivors of Azovstal testify


France 2

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The Azovstal factory, target of the Russians in Mariupol (Ukraine), was evacuated of several civilians. They testified to their experience with France Télévisions.

In Bezimeniy (Ukraine), Sunday May 8, the survivors of the Azovstal factory are housed in tents. They lived through hell, recluse in the site, pounded by the Russians for several days. “We stayed two months, even more”, confides a woman survivor, who still lives in fear. His companion thinks back to the false hopes of evacuation. “Of course it’s hard. You feel like it’s over and all of a sudden, backtracking”explains Victor Mitchta, an evacuated civilian, who indicates that he thought he had been evacuated at least five times.

Further on, a man lost two trouser sizes for lack of food. The conditions in which he lived were terrible. “The air was humid, everything that served as a blanket, everything was wet, it was moldy”, says Alexandre Sementchouck, evacuated from Azovstal. They do not know if all the civilians were evacuated from the factory, while the Ukrainians said the elderly, children and women were all out.

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