Video length: 11 mins.
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Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Thursday May 4.
Thursday May 4, Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2. While 50,000 positions are not filled in the public service, the government is launching a National Public Employment Fair on Thursday. “The public service is hiring”assured Stanislas Guerini. Asked about the generalization of the four-day working week in the civil service, he indicated that “these are possibilities“. “I am very open about these questions, and I have put them at the heart of the social dialogue with the trade unions”he said.
The question of the European flag in front of town halls
Stanislas Guerini then returned to the remuneration in the public service, ensuring that he was “the minister who has increased the index point the most since the start of François Mitterrand’s five-year term”. The Minister also mentioned the bill of the group of Renaissance deputies which aimed to make the European flag compulsory alongside the French flag on the facades of town halls. While this proposal was rejected on Wednesday in committee, Stanislas Guerini said that, “on the background”he “defends” this text, but added: “It’s not for me priority.”