civil servants will benefit from a 3.5% increase in the value of the index point from July 1

Changes to civil servants’ pay slips. The salary of 5.7 million public officials will be increased by 3.5% from July 1, the Ministry of Public Service announced to AFP on Tuesday June 28. These 3.5%, which, according to the ministry, constitute the largest percentage increase in thirty-seven years, “add up” the average increase of 1.5% noted each year on the salaries of civil servants and contract workers.

Through measurement, “no more agents” will not be paid at the level of the Smic from July 1, assured the ministry, while the resumption of inflation had precipitated nearly 700,000 agents in this situation.

While inflation reached 5.2% over one year in May according to INSEE, the services of Minister Stanislas Guerini insist on the complementarity of these increases “natural” and the unfreezing of 3.5% of the index point, the mechanism that serves as the basis for calculating the remuneration of public officials.

Concretely, this revaluation will be seen on the payslip of public officials in July or August with retroactive effect for the month of July, said the entourage of Stanislas Guerini. The first thaw of the index point since February 2017 will represent a total cost of 7.5 billion euros, divided between the State and the communities, according to the ministry.

If the 3.5% increase granted breaks with a decade poor in general salary measures, the CGT union of state employees immediately judged that it “does not stabilize the purchasing power of millions of agents” public. “For us, the minimum is (an increase) of 10% with retroactivity to January 1, 2022 and indexation to inflation”argued Céline Verzeletti, co-secretary general of the UFSE-CGT.

“The measures announced today are a first step, not insignificant. An increase in the value of the index point of 3.5% is unprecedented”welcomed for its part the CFDT Public functions. “But the inflation context is just as unprecedented”immediately tempered Mylène Jacquot, the general secretary of the second public service union.

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