“Civil disobedience is a way to alert and move the lines”, for Sandrine Rousseau

The EELV deputy for Paris, Sandrine Rousseau, comments on franceinfo on the actions of environmental activists who hit the headlines to the point that Gérald Darmanin spoke of “ecoterrorism”.

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Sandrine Rousseau, EELV deputy for Paris, believes that “Civil disobedience, today, is a way to alert and move the lines”Sunday, November 13 in the program “Political Questions” on France Inter, franceinfo and The world, after several actions by environmental activists hit the headlines to the point that Gérald Darmanin spoke of “ecoterrorism”. She specifies all the same that being elected, she will not do this kind of action herself.

“When the young people threw tomato sauce on the board The sunflowers of Van Gogh, myself, when I saw that at first I was flabbergasted. Van Gogh is really one of the masterpieces, it’s a common good, it’s something very precious in our eyes. But the Earth is also a very precious common good”, she points out.

The chosen one asks: “Why can’t we be amazed and indignant at what is being done [à la Terre] ? Today there is a continent of plastic in the water and there is not a place on Earth that does not have heavy metal pollution.” Sandrine Rousseau believes that it “lacks a bit of indignation”:

I don’t think everyone is really aware of the situation we are in.

Sandrine Rousseau

at franceinfo

While Emmanuel Macron participated in COP27 in Egypt, the ecologist criticizes his inaction against global warming. “What is the consistency and what is the political will he really has to change things? Today they are close to zero”, she says. Yet, according to her, “we have the solutions”.

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