Citizens of Quebec and Chaudière-Appalaches surveyed on the third link

Five months after resurrecting the idea of ​​a third link between Quebec and Lévis, the government of François Legault finally put its consultation on mobility in the region online. In particular, he surveys the population on the need to build an “additional link exclusively for road transport”.

The consultation, which will take place over less than a month, until March 22, “aims to obtain an overview of the needs and concerns of the population in terms of mobility” in the Capitale-Nationale and of Chaudière-Appalaches. A survey by the SOM firm will follow.

“There are obviously mobility issues between Quebec and Lévis, and more generally between the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches regions,” underlined the Member of Parliament for Lévis and Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville. , in a press release on Tuesday. “This citizen consultation will allow the population to express themselves, and will help us learn more about what concerns people in their daily lives. »

The consultation contains several questions on the daily mobility habits of residents in the area. She mentions in particular “the construction of new road axes”, but also the construction of a third link solely dedicated to public transport.

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec is already studying mobility needs in the Quebec region. It intends to propose a public transport project within six months and will also analyze the needs for a third link. This mandate was entrusted to him after the government’s rejection of the Quebec City tram project.

After abandoning the idea of ​​building a third inter-river highway link in the spring of 2023, the Coalition Avenir Québec government changed its tune at the beginning of October. Since then, it has not been ruled out that a bridge or tunnel dedicated mainly to cars could see the light of day.

“There is no question of losing Quebec definitively,” Prime Minister François Legault proclaimed last year, after his party bit the dust in the Jean-Talon by-election.

Further details will follow.

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