citizen support in the face of the shortage of medicines


Video duration:
3 mins

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – C. Sinz, J. Weyl, S. Gravelaine, N. Lachaud

France Televisions

Drug shortages are increasing in pharmacies. To obtain it despite everything, patients opt for system D.

Hundreds of drugs untraceable, out of stock. This is the daily life of all pharmacies. This shortage disrupts the lives of patients, particularly those with serious illnesses. In a village in Beaujolais, the pharmacy no longer has the medicine that allows Guillaume Clair to live normally. Suffering from Ménière’s disease, his life is unbearable without the pills: vomiting “for hours”tinnitus “very sharp” or even dizziness.

The sick manage

He therefore launched an appeal for help on the Internet to “ask people if in their pharmacies they don’t have pills that they don’t use, even if the expiry date is coming to an end”he said. “I think there may be a risk. But we take it, the risk”, recognizes Guillaume Clair. Internet users sent him two and a half boxes for free. Patrick Baudru suffers from epilepsy. To deal with shortages, he built up a stock. He also kept boxes that he no longer uses: if necessary, he will give them to other patients.

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