Citadel Nights Christmas Concert: A Corsican Christmas

France Bleu Provence is a partner of the Nuits de la Citadelle Christmas concert in Sisteron on Saturday December 18 at 6 p.m.

Christmas on the Isle of Beauty

It’s a Christmas on the Isle of Beauty offered by the Nuits de la Citadelle in the Notre-Dame des Pommiers Cathedral, with a magnificent program of traditional polyphonies and Christmas carols.

The Corsican soul and its mysteries.

With a magnificent program of traditional polyphonies and Christmas carols, Jean-Paul Poletti and the Men’s Choir of Sartène sing the Corsican soul and its mysteries.Composed only of men’s voices, the Sartène Choir, whose repertoires oscillate between profane and sacred, tells the man, his roots, his hopes …

Les Nuits de La Citadelle Saturday December 18, 2021 6 p.m. in Sisteron, in partnership with France Bleu Provence

The singers, Jean-Louis Blaineau, tenor, Jacques Tramoni, low, Jean-Claude Tramoni, low, Stéphane Paganelli, tenor, Matteu Maestrini, baritone, all classically trained, give a particular sound to the polyphony, a religious heritage straight out of the Gregorian chants of the Franciscan monks. In the respect of the tradition of this art, humble and beautiful, the Choir constantly explores new musical spaces, creates new compositions, forming an atypical ensemble in the Corsican musical universe.

The Nights of the Citadel : A Corsican Christmas, Saturday December 18 at 6 p.m. Notre-Dame des Pommiers Cathedral church square in Sisteron.

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