A link between Madonna and Kurios

Michel Laprise, director of Kurioshas worked with Madonna on a few occasions.
The director of KuriosMichel Laprise, worked with the Madonna, notably for her tour MDNAin 2012. In 2014, the Quebecer launched Kurios with one desire in mind: to surprise the spectators! “With the designers, we wanted to do things differently. We lowered the stage so that the audience and the artists could look each other in the eye. We eliminated the turntable. I always had in mind the idea of street theater which is the basis of Cirque du Soleil. In the street, you have to capture the attention of passers-by and keep it until it’s time to pass the hat! We allowed ourselves to dream and draw on childhood imagination to make the impossible possible. »
Invisible artists

In the original cast, Quebecer David-Alexandre Després played the role of ringmaster in an unusual circus show.
Great particularity of Kurios : its cast includes 10 invisible artists, including a lion named Felipe. They are the invented characters of a particularly successful clown act where the public witnesses invisible circus feats! Originally, it was the Quebecois David-Alexandre Després who wore this number on stage, in addition to another – that of the cat – which remained engraved in the memories and which he himself had designed, with the help of Michel Courtemanche. The Quebecer has today left the troupe, but he has taken care to teach the ropes of the two creations to his successor. In fact, despite the departures and arrivals, the show remains the same, apart from a few details. Notice to those interested: the invisible acrobats are still a spectacle. Their names even appear on the program.
A late 19th century aesthetice

The aesthetics of Kurios evokes the end of the 19th centurye century.
It was by observing the masts of circus tents that Michel Laprise had the idea of the slightly steampunk aesthetic of Kurios. “I saw the masts as antennas which capture an invisible energy which is transmitted to the public. This led me to research another invisible energy: electricity. His arrival marked the history of humanity. With it, you could light a candle without fire… Magic was possible! » The director thus chose to set the show at the end of the 19th century.e century, while visitors came in droves to visit the Universal Exhibitions in Paris, in 1889 and 1900. “All the cultures of the world found themselves united in Paris. That’s also the circus! »
A new discipline is born

A new discipline, acronet, was born during the creation of Kurios.
It’s not every day that a new circus discipline is born. However, this happened during the creation of Kurios, while the team put together an acronet act. The principle ? The acrobats perform on a net stretched to the maximum and are thrown into the air under the guidance of the other artists. “We invented this discipline which cannot be seen in any other circus show,” says Michel Laprise. Everyone told us we were crazy! It is very representative of the spirit of Kurios, where collective effort allows the acrobat to be projected higher. To a height he could never reach alone…”
A troop united despite the war

The banquine act brings together several artists of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian origin.
The original cast of Kurios included several acrobats of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian origin, particularly for the stunning banquine number which closes the show. This is still the case today. However, despite the conflict raging in this corner of the world, the troop remains united, explains Michel Laprise. “ Kurios bathed in a very family spirit. Over the years, couples have formed and children have been born. Political conflicts have had no impact on this esprit de corps. Either way, when your life depends on those who support you, you develop a bond stronger than politics. »
Kurios – Cabinet of curiosities is presented from May 23 to July 14.
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Kurios in a few numbers
5 millions : Number of spectators who have attended a performance of the show since its creation. The first performance scheduled in Montreal in May will be 2870e of its history.
38: Number of cities, in 10 countries, visited by Kurios
122: Number of people working on the show. In total, 27 nationalities are represented.
426: Number of props used during the show. This is the highest number of any Cirque du Soleil production.
1m: Size of the artist Rima Hadchiti, who plays Mademoiselle Lili. Its weight: 41 lb (18.6 kg).