Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione: win a unique family experience

In 1931, the 4 Bouglione brothers bought the Cirque d’Hiver. Since then the name of Bouglione, inseparable from the Cirque d’Hiver, will continue to shine on Paris and the whole world. In 1999, the new Bouglione generation breathed new life into the Cirque d’Hiver, renewing its successes.
The rest, we know it: shows more wonderful than each other: Salto, Vaulting, Bravo, Audacity, Artists, Stars, Festive, Prestige, Virtuoso, Radiance, Phenomenal, Giant, Challenge, Crazy, Fantasy…

Note that the Cirque d’Hiver is listed as historical monuments since February 10, 1975.

“Fantasy”, place in the clownish spirit and the burlesque

Under the watchful eye of Michel Palmer (Monsieur Loyal) and to the sound of Pierre Nouveau’s orchestra, the new season begins!

The artists of the 2022-2023 vintage play the Fantasy card with top flight numbers : oscillating pole, aerial straps, big illusion, giant unicycle, aerial hoop, hand-to-hand, horizontal juggling… Not to mention the hilarious Rabbit Eaters and other surprises to come!

“The universes are varied, innovative, the numbers very strong and the performance and the surprise combine wonderfully”, emphasizes Michel Palmer.

Meeting with Monsieur Loyal and the artists

Thanks to your “VIP Access”, you will be able during the intermission to go exchange a few words with the artists and Monsieur Loyal!

True common thread of the shows for 40 years, he will share with you his experience and surely some anecdotes.

The private museum of the Bouglione family

After one guided tour of the circus d’Hiver Bouglione, discover the treasures of the Bouglione family! A real tribute to the circus arts, stretching over 180 m2, the private museum of the Bouglione family makes it possible to trace the history of this very particular artistic world.

Costumes, photos, bronzes, paintings, documents, posters… Hundreds of objects are exhibited there to the delight of visitors.

How to play ?

Only one thing to do, call your radio at and sign up to play live on the Embarquement Immédiat show between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Once on the air, you will have to try to correctly answer as many questions as possible. 1 question, 5 seconds of reflection. If the thinking time is exceeded or if the answer is wrong, the game ends.

No tie possiblethe highest score of the week, ie the listener who answered the greatest number of questions in a row, is declared the winner of the week.

Good luck to everyone

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