Video length: 2 min.
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“Les Têtes givrées” is the story of a middle school class who embarks on a crazy adventure: to save a Mont-Blanc glacier threatened with extinction.
Students in difficulty, a mountain outing initiated by their teacher, and the birth of a crazy project: save the Mont-Blanc glacier by installing tarpaulins to protect it from global warming. Climate change is an important issue for Clovis Cornillac, who plays the professor. He had filmed on the same glacier 20 years earlier. “I didn’t recognize the place, it had melted so much“, he confides.
A positive message
Covering the glacier is not unanimous, however. The students will then move mountains to achieve their goals. “The message of the film is not to say that we must cover all the glaciers in the world and continue to pollute, it is rather to say that if we all behaved like the characters in this film, we would (…) in fine to save the glaciers“, comments Stephane Cazesdirector. The young actors got into the game.