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“The real family”, a very emotional film, will be released at the cinema on Wednesday February 16. Directed by Fabien Gorgeartit tells the story of a child placed in foster care at the age of 18 months. Years later, his biological father comes forward to get him back.
In the movie The real family directed by Fabien Gorgeartthe 6-year-old character of Simon, is the ray of sunshine in the house. Anna, his foster family, has custody of the little boy, but one day his biological father wants him back. Even if she had prepared for it, Anna struggles to accept this separation with Simon. It’s a tailor-made role for Mélanie Thierry, mother in the city.
Little is known about Eddy, Simon’s biological father, played by Félix Moati. Devastated by the death of his wife, he rebuilt himself to find his baby boy. A legitimate right which is not without consequences. This poignant film is inspired by a true story, that of director Fabien Gorgeartwhose mother took in a little boy until he was six years old. All in nuance, the film The real family explores the ridge line on which foster families evolve, torn between professional conscience and maternal love.