Cinema: declining attendance in the face of competition from platforms


Article written by

JP. Faure, C. Metairon, S. Bonnefond – France 2

France Televisions

Cinema attendance would have fallen by 30% compared to the period ofbefore Covid-19in September 2019. Competition from platforms is increasingly tough, especially as the Covid-19 pandemic has generated new consumption habits.

Cinema attendance would have fallen by 30% compared to the period ofbefore Covid-19in September 2019. Different reasons could explain this lack of interest in the seventh art, starting with the price of tickets. Others highlight the cinematographic offer which, according to them, has declined in recent years. Turnover would have increased for 2022 to 742 million euros, against 1.5 billion euros for a normal year.

All cinemas are concerned, from large multiplexes to arthouse cinemas, such as the Diagonal cinema in Montpellier (Herault). “I think there are also habits that were taken during the confinements with the platforms, where we really saw the explosion of this type of viewing”believes Charlie Pereniguezresponsible for the Diagonal cinema. On October 6, a large part of French cinema came together to call on the powers public to organize as soon as possible of the Estates General of Cinema.

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