Cinema: Bernadette Chirac “took a very feminist tone at one point”, says the director of the film “Bernadette”, Léa Domenach



Video duration:
10 minutes


Director Léa Domenach unveiled her film “Bernadette” on Wednesday October 4, a tribute to the former First Lady. She is the guest, Friday October 6, of 12/13 info to present this feminist comedy.

The comedy Bernadettewith Catherine Deneuve, was released in theaters on Wednesday October 4. “My Bernadette is a fictional heroine. I think she is much nicer than the real Bernadette Chirac. But that was the goal so that we wanted to hug her, to take her hand. Especially since we laugh with her and not at her”explains director Léa Domenach, guest of 12/13 info, Friday October 6. It indicates that she wanted him “bringing justice”. This fiction is inspired by real events, such as the dissolution of the National Assembly in 1997.

“We don’t divorce among the Chodron de Courcel”

When she opposes this dissolution, “Everyone looks down on her. At the time, she was not considered, even though she was also elected to the Republic. (…) She only relays what she hears.”underlines the director. Bernadette Chirac is portrayed here as a feminist heroine. Lea Domenach noted : “That’s kind of what I discovered. (…) She took a very feminist tone at one point. (…) She had that awareness.”

Despite the deceptions of her husband, Jacques Chirac, the couple is stay welded until the end. “She forgave him everything. At first, it hurt her a lot. For a moment, she took her left. It is to her that he always returns. There is also a very traditional side to her. We don’t divorce among Chodron of Courcel”says the filmmaker.

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