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Wednesday, December 29th comes out a new family comedy, entitled “The test”. In this film, Alexandra Lamy plays the role of a hyperactive mother of four. Meeting with the actress.
A misplaced pregnancy test arouses the interest of Annie, a mother of a large family, with a detective flair. “This investigation allows her to discover herself. She thought she was the center of this family, but she realizes that not everyone tells her everything”, explains Alexandra Lamy, interpreter of the main role of the film The test, in theaters Wednesday, December 29.
Who owns this test? All avenues are explored and everyone’s secrets are revealed. A biting comedy about teenagers and their parents, in which the actors improvise a few pieces of the scene, for more realism. “I felt like I was arguing with my mom, so the words came out easily”, says actress Chloé Barkoff-Gaillard. The test reveals some surprising portraits and appearances are often deceptive. The film deals with family relationships, a subject still relevant today, even for Philippe Katrine, father of three children.