Cindy Van Der Auwera (Large families) pregnant with her 12th baby? Intriguing pictures

It is an understatement to say that the Van der Auwera lead an extraordinary life. And for good reason, the spouses Cindy and Sébastien had a string of children! Indeed, their home is populated by eleven children, as well as 60 animals. But apparently that’s still not enough for Cindy who wants to get pregnant with her twelfth baby.

Unfortunately, the candidate of Large families, life in XXL encounters some difficulties. In October 2021, she even revealed that she had suffered a miscarriage. “The kids haven’t stopped asking for a one or a twelfth for some time. We also dream of it. But getting pregnant at 40 is complicated. A few months ago, I got pregnant. But I lost it… It’s very hard“, she confided in the issuance of TF1.

Cindy Van Der Auwera, however, does not lose hope of expanding her clan and makes sure to be well followed. “I’ve been examined up and down and acrossand all is fine“, she assured during an interview for Star TV. The pretty blonde, however, has not finished with the medical visits as her last two Instagram publications suggest. Cindy Van Der Auwera first shared a memory of one of her deliveries, playing the mystery card. Why post this photo today? My medical exams are coming up… Soon we will be fixed… the future of the family depends on it… What will it be? Anyway we will take the appropriate decisions… To be continued“, she captioned.

His second post was probably taken after an appointment with a health professional. But there again, Cindy remains very secretive. “First part of the examinations carried out… It’s rather reassuring. We are waiting for the sequel“, we read. Each time, the candidate adds the hashtags “ultrasound“, “diagnostic” or “pregnancy“.

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